Tag: Electricity

Power consumption decreased in August, use reduced due ...

The highest supply in a day i.e. peak power demand also declined to 216.68 GW in...

Demand for electricity reached its peak with summer, de...

The maximum electricity demand reached a new season high of 236.59 GW on Thursda...

Electricity generation capacity from traditional fuel i...

India's fossil fuel-based power generation capacity increased by 2.44 percent fr...

Power consumption is continuously increasing in the cou...

Statistics regarding electricity consumption in the country are released every m...

Electricity Amendment Rules: Companies will bear the co...

Electricity Amendment Rules: In residential societies, separate billing for back...

RERC solar energy shock to domestic consumers

RERC's solar energy shock to domestic consumers: Discoms will buy electricity at...

Increase in electricity rate in Sri Lanka by 264%

The regulator gave permission and said - change is necessary to make up for the ...