Students hesitate to share personal things with friends

Students hesitate to share personal things with friends: they fear that their personal life may become gossip

Feb 14, 2023 - 11:19
Students hesitate to share personal things with friends

When was the last time you shared your personal things with your friend? How did you feel after this? Did it grow closer or did you regret it? These are some of the questions the New York Times asked students studying in American schools to answer.
On this, many students said that they find it difficult to share their minds. Indeed, being vulnerable to others can help us build and deepen relationships, but it can also be scary at times.
Students shared many concerns related to speaking openly in front of others in this survey. The biggest fear of the students is that their personal things may not become the subject of gossip in the school. In such a situation, they may feel like a burden to their other friends. So they hesitate to share their mind with any other student.
However, the positive aspect of this is that sharing confidential things increases closeness. They feel less alone in the world. Maya Brooklyn, involved in the study, said that usually when they tell friends something personal or something, it remains a secret for some time. But later they are judged on the basis of these things.
This makes them uncomfortable. Olivia told that often when they send messages to friends, they feel regret after reading that message again. He is worried that his image may be tarnished by this.
Students are facing difficulties in trusting and trusting other students. Because of this, they keep many of their things to themselves so that they avoid becoming an object of judgment and sympathy of others.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer