Overconsumption of Chia Seeds can cause 5 problems

These days many people include chia seeds in their diet to lose weight. These days its trend has increased a lot. Almost everyone is including chia seeds in their diet. However, very few people know that eating it in excess can cause serious damage to health.

Fri, 10 Jan 2025 10:06 PM (IST)
Overconsumption of Chia Seeds can cause 5 problems
Overconsumption of Chia Seeds can cause 5 problems

People often include chia seeds in their diet to lose weight. Increasing weight has become a cause of trouble for people these days. Changing lifestyle and wrong eating habits often become the reason for weight gain. Excess weight or obesity can cause many serious problems and hence it is very important to control your weight in time.

In such a situation, chia seeds have been the first choice of people for some time. Rich in fiber, omega-3, and high protein content, chia seeds help a lot in weight management. However, its benefits are available only when it is used in limited quantities. Eating too many chia seeds can cause many harm. Here are some disadvantages of eating too much chia seeds:-

Problems related to blood pressure

Too much use of chia seeds creates problems associated with blood pressure. The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds decreases the level of blood pressure. It is useful for those with high BP but will be dangerous in cases of those whose BP is already low.

Thinning of blood

Chia seeds act as blood thinners, and the omega-3 fatty acids in them develop the properties of blood thinners. In that condition, using excessively can thin your blood. Also, in the case of a person who is already continuing blood thinner medicine, then chia seeds can be harmful.

Digestive problems

Overconsumption of chia seeds can result in digestive problems. Actually, the high amount of fiber present in chia seeds is believed to be good for digestion, but when taken in excess, the amount of fiber in the body increases, which causes bloating, gas, and sometimes constipation. Especially, if you are suffering from any kind of digestive problem, like IBS, then you should eat chia seeds in very small quantities.

Gastrointestinal issues

Consuming excess chia seeds, the fiber content in them can also raise the potential risk of gastrointestinal blockage. Most seeds swell as a result of absorbing water, creating a jelly-like texture inside that can eventually obstruct your digestive system. To escape from this situation, it is a must to take the chia seed by soaking always and maintaining less amount of food in your consumption.

Allergic reaction

Although quite rare, a great number of people are allergic to chia seeds. The allergies range from minor skin irritations to more severe breathing issues. Hence, these individuals with allergies should be kept far from chia seeds.

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