New rules will be applicable regarding facial recognition technology in China, approval of the person is also necessary now

China's cyberspace regulator has recently prepared a draft related to new rules regarding facial recognition technology. It has been said in this draft that facial recognition technology will be used only for a specific purpose. In fact, new rules regarding facial recognition technology are being brought for security reasons for users in China.

Tue, 08 Aug 2023 11:24 AM (IST)
New rules will be applicable regarding facial recognition technology in China, approval of the person is also necessary now

China's cyberspace regulator recently prepared a draft of some new rules for facial recognition technology in the country. New rules regarding facial recognition technology are being introduced for security reasons. It has been said in this draft that facial recognition technology will be used only for a specific purpose.
Facial recognition technology will be used in China only for special needs. Security rules regarding facial recognition technology will be strict.
The Cyberspace Administration of China has said in a statement that a person's own approval is also necessary for any technology.
In such a situation, if the question of identification of a person arises for any need, then the priority should be to use non-biometric identification technology.
If you understand it in simple language, facial recognition technology is related to identifying a person and giving him a different identity from other people. It is a biometric technology. In this technology, the person's face is scanned for identification. With this technology, it is possible to differentiate even between two people who look very similar.
The use of facial recognition technology has become very common. A smartphone user also gets the option of password, pattern, and facial recognition for the privacy and data security of his phone.
With facial recognition technology, the smartphone user does not have to worry about security even when the phone is in another hand. With facial recognition technology, up to 75 percent accuracy is achieved in identifying a person.

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Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer