Know major changes that occur in the body during old age

Human Aging in 40s and 60s: Recently a study has come out regarding human aging in which many surprising revelations have been made. Scientists say that no matter how slow the process of aging is, there are two stages of age when many major changes occur in the body. In such a situation, cardiovascular diseases, weak immune system and many kidney related problems can occur. Let's find out.

Tue, 20 Aug 2024 10:24 PM (IST)
Know major changes that occur in the body during old age
Know major changes that occur in the body during old age

A lot many types of changes take place in the body at every age level, but do you know it reaches its peak? Actually, aging within our body doesn't take place at the same pace but in mainly two stages. Here, the researchers were quoted on subjects of 44 and 60 years. It covered thousands of people between 25 and 75 years and was made under the inspectorate of Professor Michael Snyder, Director of Stanford University's Genomics and Personalized Medicine Center.

The researchers were 180 volunteers for the study who were used in examining swabs- microorganism samples from the mouth and nose and blood and stool samples. During the research, scientists studied 135,000 different molecules including RNA, proteins, and metabolites, and also studied microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi which reside in the gut and on the skin.

It showed the process of aging is not exactly the same, but more changes are seen in the body at a particular stage of age. The research revealed that the first change of aging is seen in the forties and at such a time people often see changes in molecules related to heart diseases, alcohol, caffeine, and lipid metabolism.

The study said that these changes are seen equally in both men and women. Scientists describe the second stage of age as the 60s when weakness in the immune system, molecules related to kidney function, and changes in carbohydrate metabolism are seen. This is the age when muscles and skin also start changing.

Different types of research are being done to associate them with aging. Under such a scenario, scientists today are, after all, still connected with finding the very answer to the questions related to it. After all, the factors that occur behind aging and the attempt were made to know their control in this study, at least to know a few questions in this study. If seen at the cellular level, the process of aging is due to deficiencies in the body. There can be many reasons behind this, like lack of nutrition and ultraviolet rays of the sun, etc. If we are to believe the results of this research, then at the age of 60, the risk of brain and heart diseases is also increased. In such a situation, taking up things like a good diet and exercise in your lifestyle can be very beneficial.

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Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer