Internet Shutdown: India is number 1 in terms of shutting down the net, know-how internet shutdown is done

What Is Internet Shutdown Did the question come to your mind what is Internet shutdown after all? Actually, this is the situation when you are not able to use the internet on your device despite having a data pack or broadband connection. If you understand it in simple language, then an internet shutdown is a situation when internet service is stopped for a common user.

Aug 2, 2023 - 11:44
Internet Shutdown: India is number 1 in terms of shutting down the net, know-how internet shutdown is done

In today's digital world, every second smartphone user is using the internet. The Internet can be used on the phone only with a data pack.
You must have heard about the internet shutdown, did the question come to your mind what is internet shutdown after all? If yes, then this article can be new information for you. Here you are going to tell about the internet shutdown term.
If you understand in simple language, an internet shutdown is a situation when internet service is stopped for a common user. The use of internet service by the government system can be stopped if needed. Sometimes serious situations arise in the country.
In such a situation, the use of the internet can work to spoil the situation. Antisocial elements can make the matter more serious by misusing the internet. This is the reason why in the event of riots in the country, the internet service is first stopped.
The decision to internet shutdown is taken by the central and state government of the country. A common user cannot access the net with any network or broadband when there is an internet shutdown.
When the decision to shut down the internet is taken, if necessary, the internet service providers are asked to stop network connectivity in the affected area with this decision.
The Internet Service Provider has to do so at the behest of the government and those institutions which have the right to issue such orders. For this, Internet service providers make the IP addresses of all websites and servers on the Internet out of reach of the user.
Internet service providers also use DND blocking to prevent users from accessing websites. Apart from this, methods like speed throttling, and blacklisting are also used to remove the internet from the reach of the user.
Internet shutdown is done in one of the affected places, in which case any user present in that place cannot use the net. Through the location and phone number of the user, this information is collected that the user is at the place of internet shutdown.
Many times such situations have arisen in India when internet service has been stopped. According to the media reports, according to the available data, there were a total of 84 internet shutdowns in the country last year. These cases of internet shutdown in India were the highest in the world.
Not only this, India's name remained at the top for the fifth consecutive time in the year 2022 regarding the cases of internet shutdown worldwide. In the year 2021, a total of 106 cases of internet shutdown were reported in India.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer