Impact of Sunak's strict immigration policy in Britain; Visa crisis increases asylum seekers

Impact of Sunak's strict immigration policy in Britain: Visa crisis increases asylum seekers, Indians at number three

Thu, 09 Feb 2023 10:32 AM (IST)
Impact of Sunak's strict immigration policy in Britain; Visa crisis increases asylum seekers

In Britain, the strictness in the visa rules for immigrants by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's government is also affecting the Indians. Due to the anti-immigration policy, Indians are now seeking asylum and seeking entry here due to the non-availability of visas easily. Not only this, but Indian immigrants are also taking the life-threatening risk of crossing the English Channel to seek asylum.
Students make up the largest number of Indians coming to Britain illegally by travelling in boats. In 2022, 233 Indians arrived in the UK by boat, while in January 2023 alone, 250 Indians arrived and are seeking asylum. Among those seeking asylum, Afghans are on the first number, Syrians on the second and Indians on the third number.
In fact, after becoming prime minister, Sunak had assured that those seeking visas would be considered sympathetically. But this did not happen. No one can be refused asylum under UK human rights law. The decision to grant asylum or to send the refugee back to the country of origin is taken only after the completion of the court process.
Now preparations are on to end this right of refugees as well. Negotiations on the much-awaited Free Trade Agreement between India and Britain are still going on. It was likely to be sealed by Diwali last year. Ease of visa was the biggest issue in this. But Britain's Trade Minister Cammy Bednoch, who recently visited India, had said that the idea of giving easy visas to Indians is currently underway.
While in June 2022, 1.03 lakh Indians got work visas. But now due to strict immigration policy, it is expected to decline after October 2022. In fact, due to the Indians overstaying their visas, a decision is not being taken on this.
The UK government has drawn up another proposal to stop immigrants from coming to the UK. Under this, only migrant students who get admission to top universities will be able to bring their dependents to Britain. Most Indian students coming to the UK are able to get into two and three-tier universities. This means that most Indian students will not be able to bring dependents. The government believes that dependents become a burden on their system.

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Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer