Government decree: TV channels will have to show half an hour daily content related to national interest
Government decree to TV channels: Content related to the national interest will have to be shown every day for half an hour

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is issuing a new guideline for TV channels. Now it will be mandatory for TV channels to show programs related to the national interest for 30 minutes every day. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has taken this decision while making changes in the uplinking and downloading rules. However, sports, wildlife and foreign channels have been given exemptions in this matter. The ministry will soon issue a circular in this regard.
Apoorva Chandra, Secretary, of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, while talking to the media recently said - "We will soon issue a circular regarding this, but before that, we will also discuss this matter with all the stakeholders."
Officials associated with the ministry said that it will be mandatory for all TV channels to show programs related to the national interest for 30 minutes daily and a decision will be taken soon on what will be its timing.
In the guideline that has come in this regard, it is being said that TV channels cannot operate without airwaves and frequency and if airwaves and frequency are counted in public property, then some of it should also be used for the general public to some extent.
It is also being said in the guideline that whatever programs are shown as national interest, those subjects are education and literacy, agriculture and rural development, health and family welfare, science and technology, women's welfare, upliftment of weaker sections of the society, environment. and should be linked to the protection of cultural heritage and national integration.
It has also been said in the guidelines that the central government can issue advisories for channels from time to time. It will be necessary for TV channels to follow them.
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