Good news for the youth: 49% of the country's youth employable

49% of the country's youth employable: more than half of them women; Youth of Maharashtra and UP are at the forefront of employability

Aug 26, 2022 - 07:51
Good news for the youth: 49% of the country's youth employable

The number of youth having job qualifications in the country has increased as compared to last year. According to the India Skills Report 2022, 48.7% of youth are employable. In the previous report, this figure was 45.97%. More than half of the employable youth, ie 52%, are women, while 46% are men. At the same time, the youth of Maharashtra and UP is at the forefront of employability.
These results have been drawn on the basis of the Wheebox National Employability Test (WNET) of 3 lakh candidates across the country and the India Hiring Intent Survey of 150 companies from over 15 industries. The working population of the country currently comprises 67% males and about 33% females.
Wheebox National Employability Test results show that 55% of youth pursuing B.Tech and MBA are eligible to get jobs. This is more than any other study. This is the second year in a row that B.Tech graduates have emerged at the top. Not only this, a jump of 7% has been registered in their figures.
In the last 7 years, 6 times BTech students have topped this list. Those doing BPharm, BA and B.Com are at number three, fourth and fifth in job ability. Those with B.Sc are at sixth, while those who have done MCA, ITI and Polytechnic come after this.
If this question is also in your mind that in which state is the most qualified people for the job, then the answer is spot on. According to the WNET results, Maharashtra and UP come first and second in the country in this matter. Maharashtra has the highest 66% and UP 65% of youth are eligible to get jobs.
UP remained in the top 5 for the fourth consecutive year. This time Kerala (64%) is third, P. Bengal (63.8%) is number four and Karnataka (59%) is number five. Even if we look at the highest demand for jobs, Maharashtra is at the forefront. Karnataka comes second and Tamil Nadu third.
The highest number of 54.5% of women are working in the internet business sector of the country. In 2022, maximum recruitment has taken place in this sector. At the same time, 35% are women in the pharma industry. The states with the highest number of employable women include MP, Telangana and Karnataka. Similarly, Maharashtra, UP and Kerala lead the country in terms of eligible men.
The demand for freshers has increased in the Internet business, IT, Pharma and Energy sectors. There are good opportunities for engineering in the coming year. Young people aged 22-25 were at the forefront of job eligibility in WNET.
Gujarat has the highest number of employable BA and MBA graduates in the country. Pune has the highest number of employable 81% youth in the age group of 18 to 21. Kolkata is second and Bangalore third. In the 22 to 25 years age group, 76% of the most qualified youth are in Hubli. At the same time, Bengaluru (67%) is on second. The demand for youth with experience ranging from 1 to 5 years remains the highest in the country.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer