Fraud has happened to you, dial this number within 2 hours, your money will be returned

After the advent of the Internet, our life becomes quite sorted out. We can do anything in a pinch now. Even though the internet works like a boon for us, sometimes it also proves to be a loss for us. Many times we become victims of fraud. Let us know how you can avoid fraud.

Jul 23, 2023 - 14:40
Fraud has happened to you, dial this number within 2 hours, your money will be returned

Since the advent of the Internet, the world has shrunk in a way. Now we can complete our financial work very comfortably. Because of the internet, many times fraud also happens to us. In such a situation, we should always be careful. If you also use the internet, then fraud can happen to you too. What should you do if you are also being cheated, let us know in detail about it.
Many strict steps are being taken by the government to prevent fraud. If you ever get cheated then you should first call the 1930 helpline number. Even today many people are unaware of this number. If you call this number at the right time, then you can get back the money of fraud with you.
You get many such messages or calls in which you get many messages like winning the lottery or OTP. You would also get some such calls in which it would be said that these calls are made by the bank for KYC. These calls are not made by the company but by cyber fraud. If you get tricked by them and share the OTP, then the money is withdrawn from your account.
For these reasons, the bank tells you that you should never give your OTP to anyone. No call is ever received by the bank regarding KYC. Recently people are getting a lot of messages that their electricity connection will be disconnected. In this case, you have to click on the link in the message. These messages are sent by thugs.
As soon as you call on that link, you are asked to enter the information related to Aadhaar. After this, you get the option to enter your UPI PIN or ATM card number or PIN. As soon as you enter all this information, hackers deduct money from your account. As soon as you come to know that you have been cheated, you should immediately call the helpline number of the government.
Whenever a person registers his complaint by calling the helpline number, then at the same time the government's centralized system and bank start checking your account. After this tracking of a bank account or UPI ID starts. Now the account to which the money has been transferred from your account is blocked. This means that the cyber thug's account is blocked. Now he can neither do any transactions nor withdraw money from that account. After this, the centralized system will check the account in which your money has been transferred.
Many experts believe that you should call and file a complaint within 2 hours of the fraud happening. With this, hackers' accounts can be quickly frozen by the government's centralized system. If you delay filing a complaint, it is possible that hackers can withdraw money from that account. In such a situation, it may take a long time for you to get your money back.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer