Drug awareness should be included in the curriculum, the parliamentary standing committee presented its report in the house

Expressing concern, the Parliamentary Standing Committee stressed the need to introduce chapters on drug addiction, its consequences, and de-addiction measures in school-college curriculum. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Drug Abuse among Youth-Problem and Solutions presented its report in the Lok Sabha on Thursday. According to the report, proper counseling should be available for school and college students.

Fri, 04 Aug 2023 08:52 AM (IST)
Drug awareness should be included in the curriculum, the parliamentary standing committee presented its report in the house

Expressing concern, the Parliamentary Standing Committee stressed the need to introduce chapters on drug addiction, its consequences, and de-addiction measures in school-college curriculum.
The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Drug Addiction among Youth-Problem and Solutions, presented its report in the Lok Sabha on Thursday, saying that this initiative is necessary for efforts to reduce drug demand and strengthen rehabilitation measures across the country.
The committee, headed by BJP MP Rama Devi, said that awareness can be increased if chapters on drug addiction, its effects, and de-addiction are included in the education curriculum. Proper counseling should be available for school and college students.
The committee has proposed a number of measures in response to the problems of drug trafficking and substance abuse in the country. Under this, advanced technology and surveillance systems at ports, airports, and borders were required to prevent drug trafficking.
The Committee emphasized the importance of the Apex Committee on Narcotics Coordination Center created by the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2016 for better cooperation and coordination among various stakeholders.

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Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer