Do you also face hair fall issues? Perform these yoga asanas for 10 minutes
Yoga For Hair: To stop hair fall, it is not necessary to use chemical products every time. These 3 yoga asanas can prove to be helpful in increasing hair growth along with hair fall.

Nowadays each one of us is facing hair fall problems. Reasons behind this can be stress, lack of nutrition, irregular routine, and pollution. Yoga is a very effective way to keep hair healthy. Yoga gives peace to both body and mind, reduces stress and improves blood circulation and can reduce the problem of hair fall. Here are three such yoga asanas that you can do for 10 minutes daily to reduce the problem of hair fall.
Downward Dog Pose Yoga
Downward Dog Pose is a simple and effective asana for improving blood flow towards the head, thereby nourishing the hair roots. Doing this asana increases oxygen circulation in the scalp. The health of the hair improves with this and hair fall comes down. Additionally, this asana promotes good blood flow to the head. Therefore, because of this, the roots of the hair will get good nourishment, so hair falling may be avoided. The method to do this is given below:
How to perform this:
- Lean on your hands and feet first. Keep hands slightly in front of the shoulders while keeping legs straight.
- Slowly lift the hips upwards such that the shape of the body takes after an inverted 'V'.
- Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds, and breathe slowly and deeply.
Vajrasana Yoga
Vajrasana is a simple but effective yoga asana for strengthening your digestive system. Proper digestion provides better nutrients to the body, which are extremely good for hair growth. Even this asana can be done after eating. In fact, this asana improves digestion and blood circulation; due to this, there is good blood flow in the scalp, and hair fall is reduced. The way to do it is as follows:
How to perform this:
- Kneel with your knees on the ground and bend your legs behind you.
- Sit on your heels, with your toes pointed together. Keep your spine straight and place your hands on your knees.
- Stay in this position for at least 1-5 minutes.
Headstand Yoga
Headstand is considered one of the most effective asanas for hair strength, though one needs to practice in order to perform it correctly. Shirshasana improves the flow of blood in the head. Because of this, the roots of the hair receive better nutrition. Moreover, Shirshasana not only nourishes and strengthens the hair, but also reduces mental stress, which is one of the reasons for hair fall.
How to perform this:
- Sit on your knees first and make a triangle shape using your hands.
- Keep the head between the palms and raise the legs slowly. Balance should be maintained so that the body remains upon the head and shoulders.
- Rest in this position for 10-20 seconds and then get down slowly.
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