Credit card fraud cases are increasing, always be alert to avoid it
Credit Card Fraud: In today's time, there has been a spurt in the number of credit card frauds. In such a situation, always do not give your card details to anyone to avoid fraud. We will tell you in this article what information you should not share to avoid credit card fraud. Let's know in this article.
Payment has now become easy through credit cards. Now you can make payments even if you do not have cash. Credit cards have made payment easy, but many frauds are also happening. In such a situation, it is always advised to never give credit card information to anyone.
If ever fraud happens through a credit card, then you should first block the card. Recently a case came to light in which fraud happened with the card user even after the card was blocked. Now the question arises whether fraud can happen even after the card is blocked. We will tell you in this article how you can avoid such fraud.
Financial experts also advise never to share your credit card number, card verification value (CVV), and expiry date with anyone. If you share these details, you may be defrauded.
Apart from this, while doing online shopping, always make online payments through an international gateway. In it, you do not require making a payment through OTP. In it, while making a payment through credit cards, you will have to give details about the card.
In case of fraud, it is advised to block the card. But in Uttar Pradesh, a case was there where the fraudster used the card even after the card was blocked. Actually, in this case, it was found that the card was not blocked. In such a situation, if you also go to block the card, then you should confirm once whether the card has been blocked or not.
In case you ever encounter any fraud, you are to complain as soon as possible. You should call the cyber cell of the police so that your account gets blocked and the police may start the investigation.