China's spy rocket exploded in Nepal's airspace: 3 military surveillance satellites were left

China's spy rocket exploded in Nepal's airspace: 3 military surveillance satellites were left; came back into the atmosphere after 200 days

Mar 16, 2023 - 23:51
China's spy rocket exploded in Nepal's airspace: 3 military surveillance satellites were left

A Chinese rocket carrying spy satellites into space exploded in Nepal's airspace on Saturday. A similar incident happened in the US state of Texas last week.
According to space expert Jonathan McDowell, the name of this rocket was Chang Zheng 2D Long March. It was launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Central China on July 29 last year. It took three military surveillance satellites with it. These satellites are currently active in space. Such satellites are used to monitor the military of other countries.
This rocket remained in space for 200 days. After this, it returned to the atmosphere on Saturday and exploded in the airspace of Nepal. Its explosion created 4 tons of garbage in space. This rocket was part of China's National Space Administration Y-65 mission.
According to Jonathan, China knew that this rocket would return to the atmosphere and explode anywhere. According to him, this plan of China was very poor.
On March 8, a rocket launched from the same center in China exploded in the airspace of Texas, USA. This rocket released three satellites into space to monitor the South China Sea.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer