Calls on WhatsApp will now be more secure than before, company released privacy call relay feature
WhatsApp Privacy Relay Feature: WhatsApp has launched a privacy call relay feature for its users. Android users can access it through the Google Play Store while iOS users can find it on the TestFlight app. According to the report, a new section called Advanced has been added inside the privacy settings screen of WhatsApp.
WhatsApp keeps bringing new updates for its users. The company keeps introducing new updates from time to time. If you also use WhatsApp then there is good news for you. WhatsApp has launched a privacy call relay feature for its users.
According to a report by WABetaInfo, users can keep their IP addresses more secure. This new update is currently available for beta testers.
Android users can access it through the Google Play Store, while iOS users can find it on the TestFlight app. The report suggests that this feature will be gradually released to global users in the coming days. By activating the "protect IP address in call" option, users can reduce threats like location tracking to a great extent.
According to the report, a new section called 'Advanced' has been added inside the privacy settings screen of WhatsApp. 'Protect IP address in calls' feature has been kept in this section. WhatsApp had introduced the option to silence unknown callers a few months ago.
WABetaInfo, a website that provides information about WhatsApp features, has reported that WhatsApp is planning to introduce a new feature for locked chats. With this, users will be able to configure a secret code.
When users set a custom password for their locked chats, it separates the privacy of these chats from the security of the entire phone. This means that even if someone knows your device password, they will not have access to the chat folder.