Big terrorist attack averted in Germany: Two brothers arrested for planning attack with chemicals

Big terrorist attack averted in Germany: Two brothers arrested for planning attack with chemicals, both were Islamic fundamentalists

Jan 9, 2023 - 18:35
Big terrorist attack averted in Germany: Two brothers arrested for planning attack with chemicals

Two alleged terrorists were arrested in Germany on Sunday after an operation. There are allegations against them that they were going to attack Germany with dangerous biological weapons. The police detained these citizens of Iran from the area of North Rhine-Westphalia. Both were Islamic fundamentalists. In Germany, they are called MJ and JJ.
Many toxic chemicals like cyanide and ricin have been seized from the house of both the accused. According to the prosecutor, these alleged terrorists who were using dangerous chemicals wanted to kill many people. Actually, Raisin is made from castor beans, i.e. castor seeds. If ricin somehow enters a person's body, it can kill him within minutes. It is 6000 times more dangerous than cyanide.
According to local media reports, German security forces had received information about a possible chemical attack from America's FBI. In fact, the FBI found a chat on the social media app Telegram. In this, two people were talking about making bombs and many types of deadly chemicals.
As soon as the information about the planning of the attack was received, the security forces of Germany immediately reached his house. The local police have issued a press release giving information about the entire operation. It has been told that before carrying out the operation, complete preparations were made for the safety of the people. The surrounding area was sealed. Before apprehending the terrorists, the security forces wore protective gear to avoid the effect of chemicals.
Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Fazer said that our security forces take serious action on the warning of any Islamic attack. Both men face charges of conspiracy to commit murder. In Germany, such charges carry a sentence of 3 to 15 years.
In Germany in 2018, a Tunisian couple was arrested on charges of plotting to attack with chemicals. Both these terrorist organizers were supporters of IS. 84 mg of ricin was seized from their possession. To make a poisonous bomb, both of them had ordered many types of deadly chemicals from the internet. The husband was jailed for 10 years and the wife for 8 years for conspiring to attack.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer