A man smoked cigarettes every day; dangerous things started growing inside his throat, and treatment went on for 14 years

A very surprising case has come to light from Austria. A person was constantly facing symptoms like throat problems and cough, after which he went to the doctor with his problem. When the doctor examined the person, he was shocked. Actually, he saw something in the person's throat that he had not seen before.

Jun 27, 2024 - 15:55
A man smoked cigarettes every day; dangerous things started growing inside his throat, and treatment went on for 14 years

Smoking is dangerous to health. Recently, a severe case has come to light related to smoking from Austria. Indeed, a 52-year-old man who has been smoking cigarettes for a long time has long hair growing in his throat. This thing has come to light in the American Journal of Case Reports.

This smoker suffered first from throat problems, difficulty in breathing, and cough during the year 2007, after which he went to the doctor to get himself examined.

According to the American Journal of Cases, during the examination with a bronchoscope, the doctor found that many tiny black hairs had grown inside the man's throat, and swelling was visible. The doctor was surprised to see this because he had not seen any such case before.

The count of these hairs in the throat was recorded as six to nine, and they were about 2 inches long. He had to visit the hospital for 14 years to get them removed. Though doctors had removed the hair from the throat, even after this, hair continued to grow in the patient's throat for the next 14 years. Doctors said that due to daily smoking, he must have faced this problem. They have branded this problem 'endotracheal hair growth.'

It was finally in 2022 that the man could make the huge decision to stop smoking. This positive change would let the doctors do a new process called endoscopic argon plasma coagulation. The doctors would burn this root of hair growth, which would never allow any other hair to grow again.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer